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Design and Adjustment of Partial Dentures in Montreal

At Clinique de Denturologie du Collège in Montreal, our denturists can give you good advice on partial dentures that will meet your needs.

Even if you are only missing a few teeth and you manage to chew and eat easily, it is advisable to get partial dentures. This is because there is a risk of long term effects that can be caused by empty spaces between your teeth.


The remaining teeth will move and eventually wear out more quickly. In addition, unstable pressure on a jaw with missing teeth can cause severe pain in the neck and ears.


Partial dentures in titanium, cobalt chrome or vitallium will prevent these problems.


Whether you decide on a flexible partial denture, partial denture without palate or other partial denture, there are major benefits to consider.

Make an appointment today to find out which is best for you.

Emergency? We intervene fast!
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